Application for Exam (all parts) – choose EITHER the WORD or the PDF Application
NOTE: The Parts I and II exams are given through an online platform, at the designated venue, on your device. You are required to confirm that your device meets the Minimum System Requirements. Additionally, the exam-taker can learn more about the software portal at Exam-Taker 101
The above form can be downloaded and filled out online. Save it with your name as the document title, and send to “”, or print the completed form and send through the mail to the address on the form. If needed, you may print out the downloaded form and fill it out by hand and return.
- For exams on May 3, 2024, your application is due by Sat March 30, 2024
- For exams in July 2024 – your application is due by Sat July 6, 2024
- For the Fall exams – your application is due by Tues Sept 10, 2024
Preceptor / Endorsement Forms (needed for application to Part II exam)
For Medical Health Physics applicants: In order to apply for the Part II Medical Health Physics exam, you must complete and submit the following additional forms:
- Physicist Endorsement MHP- FILLABLE PDF
- Physician Endorsement MHP- FILLABLE PDF
- MHP Training and Education Form
For MRI Physics applicants: In order to apply for the Part II MRI Physics exam, you must submit the following additional forms:
For applicants of the MRI Physics for Radiation Therapy sub-specialty exam, you must submit the following additional forms:
- Physicist Endorsement: MRI Physics for Radiation Therapy (FILLABLE PDF)
- Physician Endorsement: MRI Physics for Radiation Therapy (FILLABLE PDF)
Appeals Policy
The ABMP Appeals Policy will govern how appeals are filed with the ABMP, whether for the Procedures used in the Examination Process, or in the Recertification Process.