The American Board of Medical Physics (ABMP) offers certification for qualified applicants in the specialties of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Physics (MRI Physics), and in Medical Health Physics (MHP). The American Board of Radiology (ABR),, offers certification for qualified medical physics applicants in the specialties of Diagnostic Medical Physics, Nuclear Medical Physics, and Therapeutic Medical Physics.
ABR-ABMP Working Agreement
The American Board of Medical Physics (ABMP) entered into a Working Agreement with the American Board of Radiology (ABR) effective July 9, 2001. This Agreement created an environment in which the two medical physics certification boards can work closely together for the benefit of medical physicists. Under the agreement, diplomates of the ABMP in Diagnostic Imaging Physics or Radiation Therapy Physics were able to request Letters of Certification Equivalence from the ABR. July 2006 was the last opportunity for any ABMP diplomate to ask for his/her first ABR Letter of Equivalence.
For more information download the following file:
ABMP Diplomate Transition into the ABR MOC Process(.pdf) (5/1/05)
More about the agreement:
ABMP Announcement of the ABR-ABMP Working Agreement (.pdf) (7/26/01)
Working Agreement of the ABR and ABMP (.pdf) (6/14/01)
Letter from Larry Reinstein to ABMP diplomates and candidates (9/14/01)
For more information see:
frequently asked questions (FAQ’s) regarding the agreement